Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (2024)


In this guide there will be some sample code provided for your refernce, please note that the sample code ONLY aims for reference and shall provide NO SUPPORT for any issue on the sample code.


This is general walk-through for getting start iAM Smart APIs development of Signing Using Login with "iAM Smart" use case.

Developers of Online Services adopting iAM Smart may find this guide useful when designing and developing application flows for signing adopting iAM Smart functions.

In this guide we will provide guides on:

  • Setting up your iAM Smart development environment
  • Request Signing
  • Open iAM Smart Mobile App for Getting Context
  • Online Service Acknowledge Signing Result

User Journey

Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (1)


Please find below the sequence diagram for the whole Signing Using Login with "iAM Smart" process:

Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (2)

In this guide, we will focus on some of the key steps that online service and users will be involved into when adopting and using "iAM Smart".

Click sign by "iAM Smart"

UI Display

Online service shall display one of the following button depends on the scenario:

Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (3)Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (4)


Please note that the request shall be initiated after the user clicked the "Signing with iAM Smart" button.

Online service is required to add a link / button, “More info” or “了解更多” in the initiation page. The link / button shall be linked to the “iAM Smart” thematic webpage based on language preference of user.The initiation page refers to the page that initiate the “iAM Smart” service, which user clicks the “iAM Smart” button to initiate the interaction with “iAM Smart” mobile application.

Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese

Submit “Request Signing”

Composing Reuqest Body

ParametersData TypeDescription
businessIDstringbusinessID is a unique identifier for eService to differentiate different request. It should be ASCII string with length less than or equal to 36 chars.
accessTokenstringaccessToken value
openIDstringTokenised ID value
sourcestringRequest initiator. The supported source values can be found in part 0 of the Appendix in this specification.
redirectURIstringcallback URI.
statestring(Optional) If state parameter is presented in the request message, the same state value will be returned to online service during callback. It is used to prevent the CSRF attack. The value of state is defined by online service and it should be a secure random value. It can be an ASCII string of any length less than or equal to 36 (UUID string length). Only ASCII letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are accepted.URI.
hashCodestringthe document hash to be signed. Online Service should compute the hash and send this hash to iAM Smart System for signing. The value should be Base64 encoded.
sigAlgostring(Optional) signature algorithm to be used. Online Service can specify either SHA256withRSA or NONEwithRSA. The default value is SHA256withRSA. While using NONEwithRSA, hashCode provided must be hashed with SHA256.
HKICHashstringSigning request will only be processed when the hash of the HKIC number of the iAM Smart user is matched with the HKICHash provided by Online Service. Online Service should convert the HKIC number into hash value using SHA256 before sending to iAM Smart System. Only the identifier of HKIC number will be hashed, no check digit is needed e.g. A123456. The value should be Base64 encoded.
department  string  (Optional)The department that initiates the signing request.
serviceNamestringThe service name.
documentNamestringThe document name that the user is going to sign.

Your request body should look something like this:

"businessID": "bbb8aae57c104cda40c93843ad5e6db8",

"accessToken": "xxxa42e76bf4cb0846a68e6d83d6096",

"openID": "liR14%2BvX%2F5hSum5uf4ERczu0KcDnIJA5BM7FoM1ag9c%3D",

"source": "Android_Chrome",

"redirectURI": "https://<rp_domain>/<rp_context>/<call_back_endpoint>",

"state": "eddd527b6",

"hashCode": " 965e638fda4c70f667efc2d68c40c6111e5965bfc82356d",

"HKICHash": " 6ea37e641260714009a880a8057032a414009a80f667efc",

"department": " Digital Policy Office",

"serviceName": "OnlinOnline Service1",

"documentName": "Doc0001"


To better protect the data in transit, an additional layer of data encryption will be applied to all APIs POST request (except the one that Online Service request for getting symmetric encryption key).


To encrypt the data, a Content Encryption Key is required, please refer to iAM Smart API Specification or online mockup API

In this case we will use a mock-up Content Encryption Key (CEK), please find below a base64-encoded mock CEK:


Online Service should check whether its CEK is still valid and use it to encrypt all the JSON data of the POST request body as ciphertext using encryption algorithm “AES/GCM/NoPadding”.

This algorithm requires an initialisation vector (“IV”) which is provided by Online Service. The ciphertext, IV and length of IV are then concatenated in the following sequence and BASE64 encoded to formulate the value of JSON name/value pair called “content”.

Content value:

4 bytes IV length + IV + ciphertext

You may refer to the psuedo code below for the encryption implementation:

// request body
byte[] contentByte = content.getBytes();

// using AES/GCM/NoPadding for encryption algorithm
SecretKeySpec sKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, Constants.ALGORITHM_AES);

byte[] encrypted;

SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
byte[] iv = new byte[Constants.IV_LENGTH];

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(Constants.AES_GCM_NOPADDING);
GCMParameterSpec parameterSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(Constants.GCM_AUTH_TAG_LENGTH, iv);

// encrypt the request body
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sKeySpec, parameterSpec);
encrypted = cipher.doFinal(contentByte);

// concatenated IV_len + IV + ciphertext + authTag
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Constants.INT_BYTE_LENGTH + iv.length + encrypted.length);
byte[] cipherMessage = byteBuffer.array();

result = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipherMessage);


Please note that the psuedo code ONLY aims for reference and shall provide NO SUPPORT for any issue on the psuedo code.

Please find below an example of base64-encoded IV:


If you use the above json and encrypt with the above CEK and IV, concatenated and base64 encoded, you should get the following result:


Now put it in the value of JSON name/value pair called “content” as the request body:

"content": "AAAADLzOxAK6KCtIQgl/BJRVECazUaNiaf13rfcGNApA3K0BI0qZkB5pMWAjcTF0z0PLOnsCyxCtVUytAbA/cm2U5W83FrRXvtZZ74SrCWY4cQiAlq38TLSeOY9B418Tc5dUr1JnbCVeHe8HNrEY81QyI3r7JMZfXGaWgRoz0os8C7zbzty88vPGPSmBE7WqZF5I84IJ7wzwpRs+ifz9DfpFqWzj55mftTHQERWDhcKRALgdZECoFCqtmNhRFERxAm+MrIkypZG/JAdcho0cLyIGTkw7KLqKT0/NmQgQ3vsi6IxGOF4u8gPfLHfRkLopZkU7sXXHNC5hVtEmGXz0zrp+Pq9diKIX6MyrAtwjhIxxKu5iI9MO7XB272hpeonpJYWA0dvh0F882tjNnN6oRJrQ1ZxPXfeA"

Composing Request Header

ParametersData TypeDescription
clientIDstringonline service client identifier, the client ID will be assigned to online service at the initial registration
timestampintegerThe timestamp is the request submit time expressed in the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. It is used to prevent replay attack. The value MUST be a positive integer and equal or greater than the timestamp used in previous requests.
noncestringA nonce is a random string, uniquely generated for each request by Online Service. It is used to prevent replay attack. A nonce can be an ASCII string of any length less than or equal to 36 (UUID string length) as long as the uniqueness requirement is met.
signaturestringIt is a signature of the submitted data. Online Service uses clientSecret to sign the request body string and timestamp to get the signature. The pseudo code to generate the signature is shown at below.

Online Service uses clientSecret to sign the concatenated string of clientID, signatureMethod, timestamp, nonce and request body to get the signature.

In this case, we will use the following parameter for signature generation:

> clientID: clientID20220817demo

> clientSecret: clientSecret20220817demo

> signatureMethod: HmacSHA256

> timestamp: 1660721425291

> nonce: nonce20220817

The concatenated string of clientID, signatureMethod, timestamp, nonce and request body should be as followed:

clientID20220817demoHmacSHA2561660721425291nonce20220817{"content": "AAAADLzOxAK6KCtIQgl/BJRVECazUaNiaf13rfcGNApA3K0BI0qZkB5pMWAjcTF0z0PLOnsCyxCtVUytAbA/cm2U5W83FrRXvtZZ74SrCWY4cQiAlq38TLSeOY9B418Tc5dUr1JnbCVeHe8HNrEY81QyI3r7JMZfXGaWgRoz0os8C7zbzty88vPGPSmBE7WqZF5I84IJ7wzwpRs+ifz9DfpFqWzj55mftTHQERWDhcKRALgdZECoFCqtmNhRFERxAm+MrIkypZG/JAdcho0cLyIGTkw7KLqKT0/NmQgQ3vsi6IxGOF4u8gPfLHfRkLopZkU7sXXHNC5hVtEmGXz0zrp+Pq9diKIX6MyrAtwjhIxxKu5iI9MO7XB272hpeonpJYWA0dvh0F882tjNnN6oRJrQ1ZxPXfeA"}

You may refer to the psuedo code below for the signature generation:

// Digest with HmacSha256
Mac sha256HMAC = null;
try {
sha256HMAC = Mac.getInstance(Constants.SIGNATURE_METHOD);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

if (sha256HMAC == null) {
return null;

SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(clientSecret.getBytes(), Constants.SIGNATURE_METHOD);
try {
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {

// base64-encoded
String hash = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256HMAC.doFinal(message.getBytes()));

// URL enconded
return URLEncoder.encode(hash, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

With the parameters provided you should get the following result:


Now construct the request header with all the parameters:

"clientID": "clientID20220817demo",

"signatureMethod": "HmacSHA256",

"timestamp": 1660721425291,

"nonce": "nonce20220817",

"signature": "17uX5GHbU7x1mz1czXBLifRqOJ%2BwzZG105bj%2FWpuwU0%3D"

The completed request should be like following;

// Request Headers

"clientID": "clientID20220817demo",

"signatureMethod": "HmacSHA256",

"timestamp": 1660721425291,

"nonce": "nonce20220817",

"signature": "17uX5GHbU7x1mz1czXBLifRqOJ%2BwzZG105bj%2FWpuwU0%3D"


// Request Body

"content": "AAAADLzOxAK6KCtIQgl/BJRVECazUaNiaf13rfcGNApA3K0BI0qZkB5pMWAjcTF0z0PLOnsCyxCtVUytAbA/cm2U5W83FrRXvtZZ74SrCWY4cQiAlq38TLSeOY9B418Tc5dUr1JnbCVeHe8HNrEY81QyI3r7JMZfXGaWgRoz0os8C7zbzty88vPGPSmBE7WqZF5I84IJ7wzwpRs+ifz9DfpFqWzj55mftTHQERWDhcKRALgdZECoFCqtmNhRFERxAm+MrIkypZG/JAdcho0cLyIGTkw7KLqKT0/NmQgQ3vsi6IxGOF4u8gPfLHfRkLopZkU7sXXHNC5hVtEmGXz0zrp+Pq9diKIX6MyrAtwjhIxxKu5iI9MO7XB272hpeonpJYWA0dvh0F882tjNnN6oRJrQ1ZxPXfeA"


Now initiate the request with POST method to the Request Signing enpoint.

> https://<iAM_Smart_domain>/api/v1/account/signing/initiateRequest

Upon success you should receive the encrypted response:

"txID": "<T=938ffb193b4b4370b6c2584372c6a588>",

"code": "D00000",

"message": "SUCCESS",



Noted the secretKey used for encryption is also provided in the response body, this is for when the request hits the time of updating the CEK, an old CEK is used to encrypt the reuqest, in this scenario online service may use the provided secretKey in the request body for decryption.


The structure of the encrypted content of response body is the same as the encrypted trequest body:

4 bytes IV length + IV + ciphertext

To decrypt the encrypted content, you will have to locate the following data:

  • 4 bytes IV length
  • IV
  • ciphertext
  • authTag (if necessary)

You may refer to the psuedo code below for the decryption implementation:

// base64-decode the contnet
byte[] content = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Content);

SecretKeySpec sKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, Constants.ALGORITHM_AES);

// locate IV and authTag
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(content);
int ivLength = byteBuffer.getInt();
if (ivLength != Constants.IV_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid iv length");

byte[] iv = new byte[ivLength];
byte[] cipherText = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(Constants.AES_GCM_NOPADDING);
GCMParameterSpec parameterSpec = new GCMParameterSpec(Constants.GCM_AUTH_TAG_LENGTH, iv);

// decrypt the encrypted content
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sKeySpec, parameterSpec);
byte[] original = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);

result = new String(original);


Please note that the psuedo code ONLY aims for reference and shall provide NO SUPPORT for any issue on the psuedo code.

You should get the following result:

"txID": "<T=938ffb193b4b4370b6c2584372c6a588>",

"code": "D00000",

"content": {
"authByQR": true

Now we can proceed to calculate identification code.

Calculate identification code

After submitting signing request by sending access token, hash and tokenized ID, iAM Smart core system will acknowledge signing request and send response to Online Service server. When iAM Smart user has logged in the Online Service, both Online Service and iAM Smart System will compute and display a 4-digit identification code using the Document Hash and the hash of Tokenised ID of the iAM Smart.
4-digit identification code generation algorithm is as follows:

  • Concatenate the Document Hash and the Tokenised ID hash value (calculated with SHA-512), and perform the digital digest for the concatenation result with SHA-512
  • Perform the MD5 calculation to obtain a unique MD5 hash value
    Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (5)
  • Divide the 128-bit MD5 hash value into four groups of 4 bytes binary value and then extract the fistt byte from each group as a data sample.
  • Perform 4-bit unsigned right shift to each byte of the result obtained above for the hexadecimal data.
  • Perform the modulo operation on each byte (modulo 10) to obtain a number of 0-9.
  • Assemble the 4 numbers obtained above as a 4-digit identificatin code.
    Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (6)

You may refer the pseudo code below for the calculation of identification code:

private static final char hexDigits[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
public static String getSignCode (String hashCode, String openlD) {
// Assume Document Hash is BASE64 encoded and perform decode
byte[] hashCodeBytes = Base64Util.base64Decode(hashCode);

// Calculate SHA-512 hashcode of Tokenised ID
byte[] openlDBytes = DigestUtil.digestToByte(openlD, Alg.SHA512);
char code[] = new char [4];
byte[] source = new byte[hashCodeBytes.length + openlDBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(hashCodeBytes, 0, source, 0, hashCodeBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(openlDBytes, 0, source, hashCodeBytes.length, openlDBytes.length);

// Calculate SHA-512 hashcode from concatenated Document Hash and
// SHA-512 hashed Tokenised ID
byte[] inData = DigestUtil.digestToByte(source, Alg.SHA512);

// Calculate MD% hashcode
byte[] digestMD5Data = DigestUtil.digestToByte(inData, Alg.MD5);

// Convert MD5 value 4-digit identification code
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
code[i] = hexDigits[(digestMD5Data[i * 4] >>> 4 & 0xf)10];
return new String(code);


Please note that the pseudo code ONLY aims for reference and shall provide NO SUPPORT for any issue on the pseudo code.

The next step will introduce Instruction Page for requesting signing.

Instruction Page for requesting signing

After online service sends the initiate signing request to “iAM Smart” system, online service is required to instruct to open the “iAM Smart” app in his/her mobile phone. Please refer to the table below for different scenarios.

Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (7)Now we may proceed to request the "iAM Smart" QR Page/App broker page.

Open iAM Smart Mobile App for Getting Context

When iAM Smart Mobile App is opened, Online Service Website should keep synchronising with Online Service for signing processing result, such as polling. Online Service Website/app invokes iAM Smart Mobile App using URL Scheme with “ticketID” (set Context as “hash-sign or “pdf-sign” in URL Scheme).

Construct the URL Scheme

ParametersData TypeDescription
ticketIDstringTicketID is a unique identifier provided by iAM Smart Core System, Online Service retrieve ticketID while requesting the context (Profile / Signing / Form Filling / Re-authentication). It is ASCII string with length less than or equal 36 chars.
sourcestring(Optional) This parameter is required only in anonymous form filling or anonymous signing workflows. Request initiator (App_Scheme, App_Link).The detail of supported source values can be found in Appendex B of this specification.
redirectURIstring(Optional) callback redirect URI. This parameter is required only in anonymous form filling or anonymous signing workflows and its value should be URL encoded.
statestring(Optional) If state parameter is presented in the request message, the same state value will be returned to Online Service during callback. It is used to prevent the CSRF attack. The value of state is defined by Online Service and it should be a secure random string of any length less than or equal to 36 (UUID string length). Only ASCII letters, numbers, underscore and hyphen are accepted.

You request scheme should be something as following:


Callback to Receive Signing Result

After iAM Smart user logs in iAM Smart Mobile App, reviews the signing authorisation request (e.g. continue or reject the request) and verify the 4-digit identification code with Online Service Website/app. iAM Smart user follows the instructions in iAM Smart Mobile App to complete signing operation. iAM Smart System invokes Online Service callback API to return the result with “businessID” of the signing request to Online Service server.

Callback Parameters

ParametersData TypeDescription
businessIDstringbusinessID is a unique identifier for Online Service to differentiate different request. Online Service can use the businessID to relate the callback message with the original request.
statestring(Optional) If the state parameter has been present in the request message, the exact value of state will be returned. It is used to prevent the CSRF attack. The value of state is defined by Online Service and it should be a secure random value.
hashCodestring(Optional) The document hash submitted by Online Service in the API request.
timestamplong(Optional) Timestamp in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. iAM Smart System will provide this to Online Service only when signing is successful.
signaturestring(Optional) Base64-encoded signature result string. iAM Smart System will provide this to Online Service only when signing is successful.
certsting(Optional) Base64-encoded DER format certificate for the iAM Smart user. iAM Smart System will provide this to Online Service only when the signing is successful.

Upon success you should receive the encrypted response, after decryption, you should get the following result:

"txID": "<T=938ffb193b4b4370b6c2584372c6a588>",

"code": "D00000",

"message": "SUCCESS",

"content": {
"businessID": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA",
"state": "unesidkd",
"hashCode": "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA",
"timestamp": 1556450176000,
"signature": "nnoadisauflanefhykdjf",
"cert": "sdfGSDGsdfa*gDEHfjslgGQG……GSGjljlkjwmh",

Online Service Acknowledge Signing Result

Online Service Server completes the document signing process, verify the result and acknowledges iAM Smart System the signing result using iAM Smart API with the same “businessID” of the signing request.

You may refer the pseudo code below for the verification of signing result:

public static boolean verifySignature(PublicKey publicKey, String algName, byte[] signatureByte, byte[] hash) {
boolean isCorrect = false;
try {
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(algName);
isCorrect = signature.verify(signatureByte);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException e) {
return isCorrect;

Composing Request body

ParametersData TypeDescription
businessIDstringbusinessID is a unique identifier for Online Service to differentiate different request. It should be ASCII string with length less than or equal to 36 chars.
signingResultstring"SR001": digital signature is accepted
"SR002": digital signature is rejected
"SR003": no digital signature was received.

Your request body should look something like this:

"businessID": "bbb8aae57c104cda40c93843ad5e6db8",

"signingResult": "SR001",

Upon success you should receive the encrypted response, after decryption, you should receive the following result:

"txID": "<T=938ffb193b4b4370b6c2584372c6a588>",

"code": "D00000",

"message": "SUCCESS"

Online Service Server matches the result using the “businessID” and shows the signing result in corresponding Online Service Website.


Congratulations! You have sucessfully go through the following items.

  1. Setting up your iAM Smart development environment
  2. Request Signing
  3. Open iAM Smart Mobile App for Getting Context
  4. Online Service Acknowledge Signing Result

Next Steps

Get started with "iAM Smart" API:

  1. To learn about the Login and linkup with iAM Smart, refer to [Login linkup with iAM Smart] (Login and GetProfile)
  2. To learn about the use case of Digital Signing with iAM Smart, refer to [Digital Signing] (Digital Signing [After Authentication API] & Anonymouse Signing)

Further Reading

  • "iAM Smart" API Specification v1.2.7, Section 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 6.3.5, 6.4.5
  • "iAM Smart" Developer Guide v1.2.7, Section 3.6.1, 3.6.2
Digital signing after service login using iAM Smart | My Site (2024)


How do I enable digital signing on iAM Smart? ›

Upgrade Steps
  1. Go to the self-registration kiosk location in person.
  2. Start to use the "iAM Smart" self-registration system on kiosk.
  3. Select the language.
  4. Select "Haven't got the digital signing function"
  5. Select "Apply"
  6. Open "iAM Smart" mobile app on your personal mobile phone.
  7. Login "iAM Smart" App.
  8. Select "Scan QR Code"

What is the procedure for digital signature? ›

How the digital signature process works
  1. Create the document. The document is created with whatever tool is used in the organization. ...
  2. Upload the document. With digital signatures, there are numerous options out there. ...
  3. Send a signature request. ...
  4. Wait for signatures. ...
  5. Finalise the document.
May 10, 2023

What are the two approaches to digital signature? ›

A digital signature algorithm allows for two distinct operations: a signing operation, which uses a signing key to produce a signature over raw data. a verification operation, where the signature can be validated by a party who has no knowledge of the signing key.

What is the difference between iAM smart and iAM smart? ›

"iAM Smart" account is available in two versions, namely "iAM Smart" and "iAM Smart+". The "iAM Smart" version has authentication, form-filling and personalized notifications functions, while the "iAM Smart+" version has the digital signing function.

How do I login to I am smart? ›

1. Open the iAM Smart app in your mobile device. 2. Click “Login” to log in to the system.

What is the function of iAM smart? ›

"iAM Smart" Functions

It is a function of auto form-filling. The account information and the personal data voluntarily provided in the "e-ME" profile can be used for filling online forms. There is no need to fill in the same personal details and upload address proof repeatedly.

What are the two requirements for a digital signature? ›

For an electronic signature to be legally binding under the ESIGN Act, it is recommended that all electronic signature workflows include the following five elements:
  • Intent to sign. ...
  • Consent to do business electronically. ...
  • Opt-out clause. ...
  • Signed copies. ...
  • Record retention.
Feb 28, 2024

What are the 3 steps in creating a digital signature? ›

Creating a digital signature is easy
  1. Upload your document into the electronic signature application, such as our DocuSign eSignature application.
  2. Drag in the signature, text and date fields where the recipient needs to take action.
  3. Click send.

What is an example of a digital signature process? ›

The most common example is a wet signature scanned by an electronic device and then inserted into a document. Another example of a simple digital signature is the email signature that we often add at the end of the email, and check the terms and conditions box in the software installation process.

What are the two keys used in digital signature? ›

Through PKI, each digital signature transaction includes a pair of keys: a private key and a public key. The private key, as the name implies, is not shared and is used only by the signer to electronically sign documents.

Can you have 2 digital signatures? ›

However, an individual or organization can obtain two digital signature certificates associated with a single e-mail address. You can also get an additional digital signature certificate for a different email account.

What are the two main conditions for a digital signature? ›

Two main properties are required: First, the authenticity of a signature generated from a fixed message and fixed private key can be verified by using the corresponding public key. Secondly, it should be computationally infeasible to generate a valid signature for a party without knowing that party's private key.

How do I use IAM smart? ›

Authentication Go to the login page of the Licence service using the browser on your computer, and click the "Log in by using "iAM Smart"" button. A QR code will be displayed on the webpage. Launch the "iAM Smart" mobile app on your smartphone and perform Page 2 biometric authentication to log in "iAM Smart".

What is the best IAM tool? ›

The top IAM tools for 2024, including IBM Security Identity and Access Assurance, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Ping Identity, Google Cloud IAM, and ManageEngine ADManager Plus, offer unique strengths to address the evolving security landscape.

Is IAM authorization or authentication? ›

As the name indicates, IAM concerns both verifying users' identity (authentication) and granting them access to data based on that identity (authorization). These concepts are interrelated but not interchangeable, and understanding each is critical to grasp the larger meaning of IAM.

How to register iAM smart plus? ›

Please visit a Self-Registration Kiosk. Launch the "iAM Smart" mobile app on your phone. Scan the QR code on the kiosk screen with the "iAM Smart" mobile app. Before starting the registration, please read and agree to the terms in the applicant's declaration.

Can I renew my HKID overseas? ›

Holders of the old form of smart identity card who are outside Hong Kong can proceed to Registration of Persons – Kwun Tong (Temporary) Office or during the extended service hours of the Hong Kong Office, Kowloon Office, Tseung Kwan O Office and Tuen Mun Office to have their identity cards replaced within 30 days of ...

Is it HKID or Hkic? ›

A Hong Kong Identity Card (HKIC/HKID), often referred to as the smart identity card, is a mandatory identification document for non-permanent residents living in Hong Kong for more than 180 days. It's issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department.


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Article information

Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5916

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.