Undergraduate Regulations - Western Oregon University (2024)

  • Academic Regulations for Undergraduates (U-1)
  • Academic Standing (U-2)
  • Bachelor’s Degrees (U-3)
  • Catalog Year (U-4)
  • Class Standing (U-5)
  • Credit by Examination (U-6)
  • Grading Standards (U-7)
  • Graduation and Commencement (U-8)
  • Re-enrollment (U-9)
  • Repeated Courses (U-10)
  • Undergraduates Taking Graduate Course (U-11)
Related Pages
  • Graduate Regulations
  • University Regulations

Academic Regulations for Undergraduates (U-1)

Registrar Amy Clark

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining the integrity and accuracy of academic records including student enrollment, grades, transcripts and degrees; eligibility for veterans’ benefits; and maintaining compliance with state and federal laws, particularly the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Students use “Degree Tracks” online evaluation software to track their progress toward their degree. Students should refer to it each term before meeting with their adviser and registering for classes.

Undergraduate regulations are applicable to undergraduate, post-baccalaureate and non-admit undergraduate students.

Contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance with undergraduate and institutional academic regulations, located in the Lieuallen Administration Building, first floor or call 503-838-8327. Forms and information may also be found online at wou.edu/registrar.

Academic Standing (U-2)

A student’s academic standing is considered part of the academic record and is noted on the student transcript for each term.

  • President’s Honor Roll (U-2a)
  • Dean’s Honor Roll (U-2b)
  • Good Standing (U-2c)
  • Academic Warning (U-2d)
  • Academic Probation (U-2e)
  • Continued Probation (U-2f)
  • Suspension (U-2g)
  • Subsequent Suspension(s) (U-2h)

President’s Honor Roll (U-2a)

To be eligible for this accomplishment for the term, an undergraduate student must take at least 12 hours, graded (A through D-) and earn a grade-point average (GPA) of 4.00. Credits earned at another institution in the same term and credits graded as either P or S are not included in the GPA calculation. A grade of F or NC precludes President’s Honor Roll eligibility during the term in which those grades are received.

Dean’s Honor Roll (U-2b)

To be eligible for this accomplishment for the term, an undergraduate student must take at least 12 hours, graded (A through D-) and earn a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.50. Credits earned at another institution in the same term and credits graded as either P or S are not included in computing the GPA. A grade of F or NC precludes Dean’s Honor Roll eligibility during the term in which those grades are received.

Good Standing (U-2c)

A student is in good standing and doing satisfactory work when a GPA of 2.00 or better is maintained for the term and the student is progressing toward completing graduation requirements.

Academic Warning (U-2d)

When a student’s GPA in any term falls below 2.00, the student is put on academic warning and is required to complete an online workshop or meet with an academic adviser in the Academic Advising and Learning Center (AALC). An academic standing hold will be placed on the student, which prevents the student from registering for courses until the student completes the required steps. If the student’s term and cumulative GPA improve to 2.00 or better in the next term, then the academic standing hold is lifted and the student is returned to good standing.

Academic Probation (U-2e)

If a student is on academic warning in one term and earns a GPA below 2.00 in the next term, the student is placed on academic probation and is required to meet with a student success specialist in the AALC. An academic standing hold will be placed on the student, which prevents the student from registering for courses until the student completes the required steps. If the student’s term and cumulative GPA improve to 2.00 or better in the next term, then the academic standing hold is lifted and the student is returned to good standing.

Continued Probation (U-2f)

If a student’s cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 but their term GPA is a 2.0 or higher, the student is placed on continued probation. Students remain on continued probation until their cumulative GPA is a 2.0 or higher. However, if the student’s term GPA falls below 2.0, they are placed on academic suspension.

Suspension (U-2g)

If a student is on academic probation or continued probation and earns a GPA below 2.00 in the next term, the student will be suspended and required to take the term following suspension off from WOU. Suspended students are denied all privileges of the institution. To be reinstated after one term, the student must complete a Request for Reinstatement with the Office of the Registrar. When readmitted, students are required to enroll in and successfully complete, the university’s mandated learning seminar. Students who begin the reinstatement process less than four weeks prior to the start of the term in which reinstatement is desired may delay their return until the following term.

Subsequent Suspension(s) (U-2h)

Students suspended a second time, at any point after the first suspension, are required to take a one-year (four terms) leave from the university; or complete a minimum of 24 transferable credits at a community college and earn a GPA of 2.5 or higher; or petition successfully to the WOU review committee for a waiver from either of the above requirements. The committee’s decision is final.

Students suspended for a third time, for any reason, are required to take at least a one-year (four terms) leave from the university or petition to the WOU review committee to determine conditions for returning. The committee’s decision is final.

Bachelor’s Degrees (U-3)

Several options exist for students interested in pursuing a WOU bachelor’s degrees.

  • One Degree (U-3a)
  • Subsequent Degree (U-3b)
  • Two Degrees (U-3c)

One Degree (U-3a)

Students may pursue one degree. Bachelor’s degree programs and requirements are described on page 35. Students pursuing teaching licensure should be aware that requirements are established by the Oregon Teaching Standards and Practices Commission and are subject to change.

Subsequent Degree (U-3b)

Students may pursue a second bachelor’s degree after completing their first bachelor’s degree. To do so, the student must complete the following requirements:

  • Fulfill all major requirements for the second degree, including a minimum of 36 additional undergraduate credit hours after earning the first degree (if it was from WOU). If the first degree was from another accredited institution, then the student must earn a minimum of 45 additional undergraduate credit hours after earning the first degree.
  • At least 75 percent of the additional credit hours must be earned at WOU.
  • All course credit earned toward the second degree must be taken with an A-F grade option unless the course is only designated as P/NC grade option only.
  • Students are not eligible to graduate with honors with a second bachelor’s degree.

Two Degrees (U-3c)

Students may pursue two degrees at one time, for example, a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Music. To do so, the student must fulfill the appropriate core curriculum, all degree requirements and other program requirements for two majors and one minor.

Catalog Year (U-4)

The academic year has four terms. Fall, winter and spring terms have 10 weeks of class plus final examinations; summer term offers varying course schedules. Undergraduate students may enter the university at the beginning of any term.

This catalog lists requirements and policies in effect at the beginning of summer term for the academic year. Degree, program and graduation requirements for this catalog year are valid only for seven years.

  • Freshmen students admitted and enrolled for the first time this fall must meet requirements in this catalog or may choose to graduate under the requirements of a later catalog that is no more than seven years old.
  • Transfer students may choose to meet the requirements in the WOU catalog in effect at the time of their first enrollment after admission at either a) the school from which they transferred (if it is regionally accredited) or b) at WOU. In addition, they may also choose to graduate under the requirements of a later catalog that is no more than seven years old.

Class Standing (U-5)

Students are classified according to their level of earned credit hours, based on an academic quarter system.

Freshman:0-44 credit hours
Sophom*ore:45-89 credit hours
Junior:90-134 credit hours
Senior:135+ credit hours

Post-baccalaureate: A student who is pursuing a second baccalaureate degree or licensure. Postbaccalaureate students are not considered graduate students.

Non-admitted student: Either a graduate or undergraduate enrolled for 8 or fewer credits, but not working toward a degree or licensure. A maximum of 15 credits of non-admit graduate coursework can be applied to an endorsem*nt or degree program.

Credit by Examination (U-6)

Students may be able to receive credit by examination in courses for which they can demonstrate proficiency. To qualify, a student must be enrolled at least half-time, not taken the course previously. A maximum of 45 hours of credit by exam credit hours may be applied to undergraduate degree requirements; a maximum of 15 credit hours may be applied to initial licensure programs.

  • Obtain the “credit by examination” form from the Office of the Registrar or website and complete the form indicating qualifications for the relevant course.
  • Take the form to the appropriate division chair who will approve or reject the application. If rejected, the form will be returned to the Office of the Registrar for filing purposes. If approved, the chair will designate the examining instructor or instructors and the date and time for the examination.
  • Pay the examination fee of $25 per credit at the Cashier’s Office and return the form to the examining instructor. The fee is subject to change without notice.
  • The examination may be verbal, written or performance variety or any combination. A score equivalent to a grade of A or B shall be interpreted as successful; the instructor shall notify the department chair of the examination score. The department chair shall return the completed form (with appropriate signatures) to the Registrar, who will notify the student. If the student has been successful, a grade of “P” will be entered on the student’s record.
  • A student who fails an exam may not re-apply for credit by examination for the same course.

Grading Standards (U-7)

Grades measure students’ achievement of competence in theoretical, technical or aesthetic dimensions of coursework, relevant to the course learning outcomes and instructor expectations. Only courses with grades of A through D-, S or P are counted as credit hours applied to a degree program.

A, A-Excellent
B+, B, B-Above Average
C+, C, C-Average
D+, D, D-Below Average
PPass: Used in courses in which no letter grade is assigned.
SSatisfactory: Students have the option to take elective courses on a Satisfactory-No Credit basis; the satisfactory level to pass is defined as equivalent to a grade of D- or better. (Elective courses are those that are not used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum (LACC), the bachelor’s degree requirements or the declared major and minor requirements.) The student must choose this option at registration and cannot reverse that decision.
RPRegular Progress: Used only in courses that extend past the regularly scheduled end of term; these courses are identified as such in the course descriptions. When the coursework is completed, the instructor will submit a grade change to the appropriate letter grade.
IIncomplete: An essential requirement of the course has not been completed for reasons acceptable to the instructor.
NCNo credit earned
XNo basis for grade: Used only if student failed to appear for the course or there is no basis for grading the student. The instructor must designate the last date of attendance, if any.
WWithdrawal from a course after the fourth week of the term.

Graduation and Commencement (U-8)

  • Applying to Graduate (U-8a)
  • Definitions: Graduation vs. Commencement (U-8b)
  • Degree Evaluation System (U-8c)
  • Honors Distinction (U-8d)
  • Honors Program Graduates (U-8e)
  • Resolve Incomplete Grades (U-8f)
  • Transfer Credit (U-8g)
  • Commencement Attendance (U-8h)

Applying to Graduate (U-8a)

Students who have achieved senior standing are eligible to apply for graduation. Post-baccalaureate students may apply at any time. It is recommended that students apply for graduation three terms ahead of the intended term of graduation. For specific deadlines, refer to the Academic Calendar on the Registrar’s website.

To apply for graduation, submit an Application for Undergraduate Degree to the Office of the Registrar. Once your application is submitted, you are responsible for informing the Office of the Registrar of any changes in your major/minor/concentration, intended graduation term, change in name or address and other graduation related information.

Definitions: Graduation vs. Commencement (U-8b)

Graduation and commencement are not the same. A student graduates from WOU after applying to graduate and after the Office of the Registrar determines that all university academic requirements have been met. Students may graduate at the end of any academic term.

Commencement is WOU’s annual ceremony in June that recognizes students’ completion of degrees. Students who are eligible and wish to participate, must submit all required information by the deadline posted on the Office of the Registrar’s online calendar. Failure to submit necessary information by published deadlines may result in the student’s name not being included in the published Commencement program.

Degree Evaluation System (U-8c)

Degree Tracks is the official degree evaluation system for students and advisers. Students use this online system to check their progress toward their degree. For information on how to access and use Degree Works, see the Office of the Registrar website.

Honors Distinction (U-8d)

The faculty at WOU recognizes undergraduate student scholarship by conferring honors distinction at Commencement to students who have earned a cumulative WOU grade-point average of 3.50 or better as of the end of winter term immediately preceding the Commencement ceremony. Grade-point averages will be recalculated when all coursework is completed and the degree is conferred and appropriate honors distinctions will be noted on the transcript.

To qualify for honors distinction, students must have completed at least 45 credit hours through WOU, with these credit hours graded on an A-F basis. Honors distinctions include cum laude for those students with a cumulative GPA between 3.50 and 3.64, magna cum laude for a cumulative GPA between 3.65 and 3.79 and summa cum laude for a cumulative GPA between 3.80 and 4.00. All honors distinctions are noted on the student’s transcript.

Honors Program Graduates (U-8e)

Students who graduate from the Honors Program with at least a 3.25 cumulative WOU grade point average will have in cursu honorum printed on their diploma and in cursu honorum Honors Program will be noted on the transcript.

Resolve Incomplete Grades (U-8f)

All incomplete grades must be completed and the grades entered by the instructor, NO LATER than the end of the term graduation is planned or the default grade will be applied.

However, an unresolved incomplete grade may prevent graduation because the default grade lowers a student’s GPA or prevents a needed requirement from being met. Students are strongly encouraged to resolve incomplete grades within the shortest possible time to prevent problems closer to graduation.

Transfer Credit (U-8g)

Students who have earned course credits from other institutions recently before the intended term of graduation must request an official transcript from that institution be sent to WOU’s Registrar by the deadline on the online Academic Calendar at wou.edu/registrar.

Commencement Attendance (U-8h)

Students are required to declare their intention to participate in June commencement according to the deadline specified on the Academic Calendar on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Students who have graduated in the previous summer, fall or winter terms are eligible to attend the Commencement ceremony. Students who have applied to graduate in spring or in the summer or fall term immediately following spring term may also participate in the ceremony.

Re-enrollment (U-9)

If a student has not registered for courses for four terms, WOU will inactivate the student’s status. When the student wishes to register for courses again, he or she will need to submit an undergraduate re-enrollment application along with the required fee to the Office of the Registrar.

Students who leave WOU and complete coursework from another institution must have earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher and be eligible to return to the last institution attended. Official transcripts of all academic work attempted and/or completed since leaving WOU must be on file in the Office of the Registrar before the re-enrollment will be considered.

Students who leave WOU under academic suspension must submit a re-enrollment application together with a request for reinstatement to the registrar requesting re-admission at least one term before the desired term of enrollment.

Repeated Courses (U-10)

  • Grades for Repeated Courses (U-10a)
  • Registration for Repeated Courses (U-10b)

Grades for Repeated Courses (U-10a)

Course descriptions provide specific information about courses that may be repeated and counted multiple times for credit (and calculation in the student’s GPA). If this is not mentioned in the course description, the course can only be counted once.

If a student chooses to repeat a course to improve their grade, only the most recent grade and credits will be used to calculate the student’s GPA, even if the earlier grade was higher.

Registration for Repeated Courses (U-10b)

Course descriptions provide specific information about courses that may be repeated and counted multiple times, for credit. If this is not mentioned in the course description, then students are advised not to register for the course again because it will only be counted once.

Students may repeat a course to improve their grade; however, only the most recent grade and credits will be computed in the GPA.

Courses taken on an audit or satisfactory-no credit basis may not be repeated for an A-F or Pass-No Credit grade.

Students who receive federal financial aid and retake a course, may find that it reduces their financial aid package. Contact the WOU Financial Aid Office for assistance before registering for a repeat course.

Undergraduates Taking Graduate Course (U-11)

Undergraduate students within 12 quarter hours of completing all requirements for the bachelor’s degree, but not including student teaching, may petition to enroll in up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses numbered 500-599. These courses can be reserved for later use in a graduate degree program. Undergraduate students cannot register for any 600-699 courses. Petition forms to reserve graduate courses are available from the Office of the Registrar.

Undergraduate Regulations - Western Oregon University (2024)


What is the academic warning for Western Oregon University? ›

Academic warning means that a student earned less than a 2.0 GPA during the last term. A hold will be placed on a student's account, meaning that they can't register for the next term until the hold has been lifted.

What is a passing grade at WOU? ›

Grading Standards (U-7)

Satisfactory: Students have the option to take elective courses on a Satisfactory-No Credit basis; the satisfactory level to pass is defined as equivalent to a grade of D- or better.

Is it hard to get into Western Oregon University? ›

The acceptance rate at Western Oregon University is 83.5%.

For every 100 applicants, 84 are admitted. This means the school is lightly selective.

What is the acceptance rate for Western Oregon? ›

Western Oregon University has an acceptance rate of 84%.

What is a failing grade at WCU? ›

Undergraduate Grading Scale
Numerical Grade Conversion Scale
Grading ScalePointsConversion Percentages (%) and/or Definitions
F0.059 and below
22 more rows

What is the minimum GPA for Western Oregon University? ›

Admission Requirements

Have at least a 3.00 cumulative high school grade-point average. Submission of ACT or SAT scores is optional for freshman applicants with a 3.00 cumulative grade-point average.

Is D passing at WWU? ›

The minimum level of performance required to receive a grade of P varies from course to course and is determined by each instructor or department. Students should not assume that performance equal to a grade of D or higher will result in a passing mark. Often performance at the level of C or higher is required.

What is the new grading system at Western Oregon? ›

D and F grades will be replaced with “no credit” and will not affect students' GPAs. University leaders say it will raise retention rates; critics say it may lower academic rigor and lead to grade inflation.

What is a failing grade at Western? ›

A 80 – 100% B 70 – 79% C 60 – 69% F 00 – 59% Note: Failure to achieve 60% ( C ) or higher in any undergraduate course taken as credit towards a graduate degree is interpreted as a failure.

What major is Western Oregon University known for? ›

The most popular majors at Western Oregon University include: Education; Psychology; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services; Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Visual ...

What is the hardest school to get into in Oregon? ›

Hardest colleges to get into in Oregon
  • Reed College acceptance rate.
  • Concordia University Portland Oregon acceptance rate.
  • University of Portland acceptance rate.
  • Warner Pacific College acceptance rate.
  • Lewis and Clark College acceptance rate.
  • Southern Oregon University acceptance rate.
  • George Fox University acceptance rate.

Is Western Oregon University a dry campus? ›

Drug-Free School Policy

The university prohibits illegal use of drugs or alcohol by students, faculty or staff. Additional information is available at wou.edu/drugfreeschool. To request a complete hard copy of the drug and alcohol policy, contact Debbie Diehm at 503-838-8221 or diehmd@wou.edu.

Is Western Oregon a good school? ›

Western Oregon is an above-average public university located in Monmouth, Oregon in the Salem Area. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 2,864 undergraduate students. The Western Oregon acceptance rate is 84%. Popular majors include Education, Psychology, and Liberal Arts and Humanities.

What is the gender ratio at Western Oregon University? ›

Western Oregon University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 3,320 (fall 2022), with a gender distribution of 34% male students and 66% female students. At this school, 25% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 75% of students live off campus.

What did Western Oregon University used to be called? ›

Western Oregon University (WOU) is a public university in Monmouth, Oregon. It was originally established in 1856 by Disciples of Christ pioneers as Monmouth University. Subsequent names included Oregon State Normal School, Oregon College of Education, and Western Oregon State College.

Undergraduate Regulations - Western Oregon ...Western Oregon Universityhttps://catalog.wou.edu ›

Academic Regulations for Undergraduates (U-1). Registrar Amy Clark wou.edu/registrar. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining the integrity a...
Uncover your potential with WOU's diverse range of majors, minors, and programs. Explore the possibilities and ignite your passion for learning.

What does academic warning mean WMU? ›

Warning. A warning is issued to the graduate student whenever the grade point average for any enrollment period is less than 3.00, but the overall grade point average is 3.00.

What does academic status warning mean? ›

Whenever the GPA for a given semester is below 2.0, but the cumulative GPA is at or above the required minimum for satisfactory academic progress, the student receives an academic warning. This warning alerts the student to potential difficulties and to potential loss of financial aid eligibility.

Does academic warning show up on transcript? ›

Generally, a warning is triggered by a semester GPA at or slightly below passing, e.g., 2.0. A warning will not appear on your transcript, whereas academic probation will appear on your unofficial transcript.

What GPA is bad academic standing? ›

When a student's cumulative (overall) and current (most recent term) grade point averages are 2.0 or better, that student is in good academic standing. If either the cumulative or current G.P.A. falls below 2.0, the student is on academic probation. A student whose current (term) G.P.A.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.