The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE SCRANTON TIMES, TUESDAY, MARCH 1, South Scranton Thomas V. Reddington Office: 1006 Pittston Ave.Office: 343-1836 Home: 343-3941 St. Francis Unit Club Plans To Have Breakfast St. Patrick's Party Holy Name Society, St. Francis Church, will conduct its annual father and son communion breakfast, Sunday, May 22, in church auditorium following the 8 A.M.

mass. The Rev. Dr. John F. O'Malley, pastor, is moderator, and Orlando Fanucci, president.

The Rev. Paul Terracciano is assistant pastor. The society is making plans for a social program Saturday, April 16, at 8 P.M. in the auditorium. Albert Marrazzo is in charge of publicity.

Patriotic Council To Meet Thutsday Patriotic Council, Junior Order United American Mechanics will meet Thursday at 8 P.M. in the Mountaineer's Hall, 425 Alder St. Cornelius Chase will speak. The following committees will be in charge: Refreshments, Charles Flint, Robert Saar, Sheldon Castles, Edwin Kammer, Leonard Pr Carl Schmidt and Philip Schillat; entertainment, Edward Kossman, William Klein, A. W.

Hahn, David Jenkins, Arthur Sossong, Carlton Bean, Fred Barneko, Edward Bender and Raymond Tannler. Presbyterian Women To Plan Activities Women of Hickory Street Presbyterian Church will plan Spring activities at a meeting Thursday afternoon in the parish house. Mrs. Carl Kimpel will preside and Mrs. William Maurer will lead in devotions.

A dessert luncheon will be served at 1:30 with Mrs. Wyndham Owens and members of her committee in charge. Mrs. William J. Heim will report on the recent fish supper sponsored by the group.

Mrs. Viola Robertson is publicity chairman. For Prescription Service PHONE 346-7213 Free pick up and delivery Or have your doctor phone us KLONOSKI'S PHARMACY 1305 PITTSTON AVENUE Adv. Social Club to Meet The Royal Social Club will tomorrow at 8:15 P.M. in meet, clubrooms, 927 Pittston Ave.

Anthony Penelly will preside. John Cusick will be in charge of the social. Surface Group to Meet The South Side Surface Protective Association will discuss the Cedar Ave. mine fire at meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 in Kennedy Public School. John E.

Nolan will preside. Miss Elizabeth Ferguson is secretary and is in charge of publicity. Workshop Scheduled dent Mrs. of the Henrietta Maj. Noto, Edward presi- J.

Poch American Legion Post, Ladies Auxiliary, has announced that a workshop will be held tomorrow night at 8:30 in the Legion home. Mrs. Bertha B. Schank is in charge of publicity. Guild Slates Reading Church of Christ, Women's Guild, Trinity United Thursday at P.M.

in the parish house, 510 Prospect Ave. Mrs. Laura Yaggi will have charge of devotions. A reading will be given entitled, "The Faith Hawker." Members of the group participate. Mrs.

Carrie Callahan will preside and Mrs. George Davis is in charge of publicity. South Side Notes The Ladies Auxiliary of the Workingmen's Society will meet tomorrow night at 8 in Workingmen's Hall, 606 Alder St. Mrs. Eva Zeismer will preside.

The charter night committee of Legion Post 948 will meet tonight at 8:30 at the post home. Samuel Cacciappo is ticket chairman. Ticket returns will be received. Harold Houston and E. S.

Bean are cochairmen. Counselors of the Junior Catholic Daughters, Sacred Hearts Church, will meet tonight at 7:30 in the parish rectory. Miss Irene Kubacki is parish chairman. The March committee meeting of Cub Scout Pack 42, St. Mary's Assumption Church, will be held tonight at 8 in the parish hall.

Students to Open Musical March 18 The Drama Club of Wyalusing High Schol will present the on three nights, beginning March 18, at 8 P.M. in the high school auditorium. The sale of tickets for the production began today. They may be obtained from any student or at the school office. The newly organized group is directed by James Mathis.

Assisting with the production are: Keven Downs and Mrs. Ruth Stevens, orchestration and choral arrangements; Dean Starner, construction of sets; James Eaton, designing of sets; Mrs. Mildred Dodge, costumes; Eugene Salsman, stage direction; Mrs. Lewis Reinhart, business management; Miss Mary E. Costa, choreography.

Approximately students will participate in the musical by and Hammerstein. The complete orchestration also will (be used. 1966. Girls Chorus Lists 'Hootenanny 66' "Hootenanny 66" will sented by the Advanced Chorus of West Scranton West Carl R. Healey Office: MISS LAURA RUSSELL Office: 112 Jackson 342-7982 Home: 343-2613 Scranton Services Listed at Trinity The Women's Fellowship of be pre- Trinity Congregational Church Girls will conduct the Lenten worship High service tomorrow night at 7:30 in the sanctuary.

The Rev. Leonard Haffner, St. Paul's United Church of Christ, Taylor, will speak. The Rev. Albert E.

Hutchison tor and Mrs. Emery "Dougherty heads the fellowship. Society to Install Officers Sunday James R. Nasser will be installed as president of the Holy Name Society of St. Ann's Maronite Church at the annual communion breakfast at the Holiday Inn.

Other officers are: John Mackarey, vice president; Joseph Karam, secretary, and Albert Nehme, treasurer. Thomas Josephe is general chairman. A. Peters be toastmaster. Judge Richard P.

Conaboy will be guest speaker. Hansteins to Note 31 st Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanstein, 278 Railroad will mark their 31st wedding anniversary tomorrow with a family dinner. They observed the occasion Sunday with a dinner party, at the home of their and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Schaffer, 713 South Ninth Ave. couple was married in Dunmore Methodist Church. They are now members of First United Church of Christ. Mrs.

Hanstein is the former Miss Charlotte Theis. Mr. Hanstein, a Scranton Transit Co. driver, is a member of William C. Malia Chapter, Disabled Veterans of America.

They, also have a son, Fred city. They also three grandchildren. Social Club to Meet Women's Social Club of St. John the Baptist Church will meet Friday night at 8 in the church hall. Mrs.

Bertha Schank will preside. Hostesses are: Mesdames Rose Grecco, Ann Jones and Genevieve Gehrer. Belle Craven Dies; Ex-City Woman Mrs. Belle Shevlin Craven, Springfield, a former in Wesson Hospital, Springfield, Scranton resident, died Sunday where she was a surgical patient. Born in this city, daughter of the late William and Ellen O'Boyle Shevlin, she lived in New York City before moving to Springfield 20 years ago.

Mrs. Craven was a member of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Springfield, and its Altar and Rosary Society. Surviving are her husband, Harry; a brother, John T. Shevcity; a sister, Mrs. Finnegan, Flushing, N.Y., and several nieces and nephews.

funeral will be Thursday at 11 A.M. from the Walsh Funeral Home, 715 Linden this city. Burial, Cathedral Ceme-1 tery. Friends may call tomorrow from 8 to 10 P.M. Services will also be conducted I tomorrow from the O'Donnell Funeral Home, 944 Chestnut Springfield, with mass at 9 A.M.

in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church. Moosic St. Crash Injures 2 Women Two Allentown were injured in a collision women, 700 block of Moosic St. Sunday at 2:45 P.M. They are Mae Shellhammer, 67, who suffered a cut of the left leg, and Rachel Bipple, 60, who had cuts of both legs.

They were treated at State General Hospital. Police said they were passengers in a car operated by L. Shellhammer, 58, also of Allentown, which was struck from the rear by a car driven by Terry Smith, 20, of Prospect (Tobyhanna. Patrolman Evans Laid to Final Rest The funeral of Patrolman Evan S. Evans, 127 North Sumner member of the Scranton Police Department more than 32 years, took place yesterday from the Cox Funeral Home, 109 South Main Ave.

Rev. Albert Hutchison, Trinity Congregational Church, officiated. Casket bearers: Sgt. James Golden, and Patrolmen William E. Jones, Donald Robinson, Ralph Beers Donald Shelp and Joseph Rowland, all members of the Scranton Police Department.

Interment Shady Cemetery, Chinchilla. MESHOPPEN Deiter Assigned AM Linn D. Deiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deiter of Fairview has been asigned to Lookout Mountain Air Force Station, California.

A graduate of Elk Lake Joint High School, Dimock, Airman Deiter will be trained as an Military Airlift Command. ministrative specialist a with the North Scranton Charles J. Robinson Office: 1806 N. Main Ave. Office: 342-4892 Home: 347-8044 Holy Name Society To Fete Moderator Members of the Holy Name Society of St.

Joseph's Lithuanian Church will receive commuANTHONY ANDRUSKEVICH nion Sunday, March 13, at the 8 A.M. mass. The society will meet that same night at 7:30 P.M. at which time Anthony Andruskevich, president of the society will present Rev. George Stalavicius with a spiritual bouquet.

Father Stalavicius has been ill. Officers of the society are: President, Mr. Andruskevich; vice president, Michael Durkalo; secretary, Martin Patelunas; treasurer, Leonard Kuprise and marchals, Joseph Klebauskas and Edward Tamosaitis. High School Club Conducts Session The initial meeting of the Spanish Club of North Scranton Junior High School was held recently at the school. Among the speakers were, Miss Celeste Gutiurrez, Peru; Misses Elizabeth Aguilina and Elizabeth Leshanski.

Representatives of the sophom*ore and classes are: Sophom*ore Anna Finnerty, James Hatton Frank Baranowski, freshmen, Joan Kinsella, Kathy John Myrkalo and William Bailey. Christian Mothers To Sponsor Film Sponsored by the Confraternity of Christian Mothers of the and Rosary Society of St. Anthony's Church, a film for adults and teen-agers will be shown Sunday at 7:30 P.M. in the church auditorium. It will be presented by the United Mothers of America.

The purpose of the picture is to make the public aware of the nature, extent and depth of p*rnography and to insist upon the full enforcement of existing laws on obscenity. Mrs. Alfred Hutchinson is president of the society. The Rev. Paschal Trozzolillo is pastor and moderator.

Mrs. James Gerard is publicity chairman. Scouts Conduct Annual Banquet The annual blue and gold banquet of Cub Scout Pack 57 of Holy Rosary Church was conducted recently in the school auditorium. John Hirschler is and Robert Reilly, assistant. Joseph Salerno was chairman.

Talks were given by the Rev. George Tribendis, moderator and the Very Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. McGowan.

Gerald Schofield is treasurer of the group. Awards were received by the following: Thomas Reilly, Lawrence Zele, Matthew Zale, Donald Dolan, Ronald Nye, Paul Devine, Thomas Jones, Martin Davitt, Robert Burns, Joseph Maloney, John Glacken, William Heinz, Thomas McCormack, Scot Whitney, William Baukauskas, Michael McGoff, James Naughton, John Walsh, Leo Reilly, Paul Hirschler, Daniel Dailey, John Fitch, Joseph King, Joseph Salerno, Paul Williams, Runco, James Dean, James Scholl, Terrance Weisel. Lenten Service The first in a series of Lenten services will 1 be held tonight at 7:30 in Bradley Memorial Methodist Church. Members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship will participate. The Rev.

Robert Wood, pastor, will deliver the message. There will be a choir rehearsal at 8:30. Mrs. Gloria Manning will be in charge. Other News Notes The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Court Street Methodist Church will conduct a clam chowder sale Friday at noon at the church parlors.

Orders may placed by contacting Mrs. Kenneth Shiffer or any member of the society. The Circle meeting of Providence Presbyterian Church will be held tonight at 8. in the church parlors. Committees arranging for the annual father and son communlion breakfast of St.

Vincent de Paul Church will meet tonight at 7:30 in the parish auditorium. For Music tune to WEJL The 20th Ward and Athletic Club will conduct St. Patrick's party on Saturday night, March 12, in the clubrooms, 2028 Pittston Ave. Henry McNulty will be soloist. At a recent meeting, Michael Magnot, president, named Frank J.

Loughney as chairman and Orlando Fanucci, cochairman. The following committees will assist: Door, Joseph Philbin, Chester Bartoli, Gerard Schirra, Gino Corti; tickets, Joseph Antonini, Joseph Brogan, Vincent Bryzcki; refreshments, Elio Baracaia, Second Ranocchia, Anthony Shank; reception, Charles Shorten, Arnold Schiavi, Mario Catalano; seating, Joseph Fadden, Nello Tabarrini; program, Richard Conaboy, John McNamarra, John Brazil; hall, William Bartocci, Julio Gatti, Alfio Ranocchia, Joseph Lilli; entertainment. Edward Burke, Joseph Schofield, Joseph Walsh; arrangements, William Rizzi, Joseph Minelli, Frank Wicker; decorations, Dovey Schneider, Eleanor Petrucci, Aldina Bartoli, Anne Corti, Louise Fanucci, Ruth Laughney, June Magnot, Martha Sandy; check room, Louise Gohsler, and Ann Wenglowski. Green Ridge Charles J. Robinson Office: 342-4892 Home: 347-8044 Awards Presented At Scouts Dinner The annual blue and gold dinner of Cub Scout Pack 87, St.

Clare Chapel, was held recently in the chapel auditorium. Al Werner was the guest speaker, the Rev. Daniel Langan offered grace and the Rev. Joseph Ryan, pack moderator, gave benediction. Awards were presented by Joseph Flynn, cubmaster, and Donald Zwick, assistant cubmaster, to the following: Wolf Badges: Timothy Curtin, Mark Spitalnick, Thomas Joyce, Stanley a Waltos, James Haggerty, Kevin Thomas McGraw, Fashouer, Kurt Hennemuth, Timothy Bell, Richard Hale, and Paul McHale; Bear Badges: Thomas Kearney, Michael Barresse, Patrick Miller and Guy Musto; Lion Badges: George Decker, Richard Loftus, and John McHale; Webelos Badge to Donald Zwick.

Gold and Silver Arrow Points: George Decker, Richard Loftus, John McHale, Thomas Kearney, Guy Musto, Michael Barresse, Patrick Miller, Timothy Curtin, Mark Spitalnick, Thomas Joyce, Stanley Waltos, James Haggerty, Kevin McGraw, James Clarke, Thomas Fashouer, Kurt Hennemuth, Timothy Bell, Richard Hale, and Paul McHale. Two- 0-Year Service Bar: Richard Loftus, George Decker, Donald Zwick, and John McHale. One- Year Service Bar: chael Barresse, Thomas Kearney, Patrick Miller and Guy Musto. The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Asbury Methodist Church will meet tonight at 7:30 with Mrs. Newton Howells presiding.

Mrs. Harry Lehr and Mrs. Alfred Tappen will present the program in honor of past presidents and the 25th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Earl D.

Rounds will have devotions. R. C. Devereaux will be soloist. The Esther Circle with Mrs.

Glenn Huthmaker as leader will serve refreshments. Final fashion plans will be made for the show to be held Saturday, March 19, at 2 P.M. A white elephant sale will be held at the close of the meeting. GREEN RIDGE BRIEFS Tomororw morning at 8 the youth before school Lenten service will be held in Asbury Methodist Church for the youth of Green Ridge. The Rev.

Charles O'Fallin Mastin will be the speaker. All young people are invited to attend. A midweek service will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 in the Gospel Tabernacle of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. WSCS Church Unit Will Meet Tonight College Accepts Two Students Two senior students at Mountain View High School, Kingsley, have received notification from Delhi Technical College, Delhi, N.Y., that they have been accepted to study in the field of business. Donna Wilmarth, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Wilmarth, Kingsley, and Bryce Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arland Brown, Kingsley, are the accepted students. Miss Wilmarth has been actively engaged in class activities and is a member of the school newspaper and yearbook staffs.

Young Brown serves as his homeroom representative and is active in many school programs. 85 TO SEEK JOBS WASHINGTON- 86 million workers will make up the labor force in 1970, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts. Paul E. McDonough Office, 205 E. Drinker St.

Office: 343-0213. Home: 343-0293 St. Anthony's Unit Planning Hat Show Dunmore St. Anthony's Church furAltar and Rosary of Society, ther plans for a hat show and JOSEPHINE MARZOLINO sale at a meeting at 8 P.M. in the parish moder- he Thursday; Rev.

J. Anthony Tito, ator, will open the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Carmella Mecca will preside. The show will be held Sunday, March 13, at 2:30 P.M.

in the parish hall and the sale will begin after the 8 A.M. mass. Miss Antoinette Massaro is general chairman and Miss Grace Sacco, cochairman. Committees include: Tickets, Mrs. Josephine Marzolino and Mrs.

Lucille Lapergola; decorations, Miss Ann Rita Mecca and Mrs. Carmella Mecca; kitchen, Miss Kella Pacifico, Mary Misewicz, Mrs. Rose Martarano and Mrs. Catherine Hallinan; prizes, Mrs. Dora Mecca, Miss Mary Rinaldi and Mrs.

Betty Juliano; sales, Mrs. Carmella Mecca and Mrs. Dora Mecca; cashiers, Miss Josephine Pettito and Mrs. Lena Bonafede. Tickets may be obtained from any committee member or at the door.

Refreshments will be served Plans and also prizes will awardedered for a communion breakfast May 1 at Jermyn Motor Inn. The following will be hostesses for the meeting: Mrs. Anna Jane Gould, chairman; Mrs. Lucy Gambo, Mrs. Hallinan; and Mrs.

Carmella Hollenback. DCCHS Mothers Club Will Meet Tonight Mothers Club of Dunmore Central Catholic High School will meet tonight at 7:30 in the school library. All class representatives are asked to make returns on the fund-raising drive now in progress. Mrs. Anthony Caputo is chairman and Mrs.

John Marcinko, cochairman, assisted by the following: Mesdames Frank Capone, Andrew Brenish, James Hennigan, Sylvester Bisignani, Frank Tallo, Cecil Brink, Frank Moeller, Andrew Chomack, Romano, George Priblo, Richard Kolcharns, Phillip Domenick and William Fontanello. Methodist Activities The board of trustees of Dunmore Methodist Church will tonight at 7 in the church rooms. Commission on Missions will meet at 7:30 and the official board at 8. Woman's Society of Christian Service will hold a workshop tomorrow from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.

in the rooms. VFW to Plan Party Members of Bushweller Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and its Ladies Auxiliary will make plans for a St. Patrick's party at a meeting tonight in the rooms. Gerald Ruane, post commander, and Mrs. Mary Flannelly, auxiliary president, will preside.

Meeting Postponed A meeting of Dunmore Borough Council scheduled, for tonight at 8 in Building has been postponed until next Tuesday night. Bids on repairs to the Eclipse Hose Co. to be received tonight at the council will be picked up tonight Secretary sessions James E. Hennigan who will be at the Borough Building from 8 to 8:30. Council will readvertise for bids for the project to be received at next Tuesday night's meeting.

Sherwood Group Seeks Marchers Students in the fifth and sixth grades of Dunmore schools who reside in the Sherwood Playground area are invited to represent the Sherwood Youth Association in St. Patrick's parade on Saturday, March 12, in Scranton. All children must have the consent of their parents, it was announced. Those wishing to participate are asked to contact Mrs. Anthony Michalek, 522 Jessup Ave.

The association also requests persons with convertible cars wishing to donate them to contact Mrs. Michalek. Organization officials and Miss Hope Parker, "Miss Sherwood Youth," will ride in the cars in the parade. Esgro Bowls 614 In Legion League Peter Esgro was high scorer for one game with 219 and for three with 614 in the Dunmore Legion Bowling League last week. Position night two-game winners were: DeAndrea's over DePietro's, to increase their lead games; Maloney's over Trotta's; Viola's over Lettieri's, and Lawrence's over Pompey's.

Maloney's team was high for one with 938 and for three with 2,627. Other high scorers were: Frank Muraca, 586; Joseph DeSandis, 582; William Giello, 568; James Messina, 545; Joseph Martarano, 536; Edward Longo, 535; Thomas Giorgio, 531; Anthony Clapps, 528; James Cantafio, 520; Guy Ardizoni 516, and Pompey Tempesta, 515. Knights of Columbus Plans Party March 19 Dunmore Council, Knights of Columbus, recently made plans for an Irish Night to be held Saturday night, March 19, in the home, Field and East Drinker Sts. Grand Knight Patrick Grady is honorary chairman. Edward Garvey is general chairman, assisted by the following committees: Refreshments, James F.

Collins; entertainment, James E. Hennigan, and tickets, Paul Herbster. Irish music will be furnished and there will be refreshments. Units to Pay Respects To Late Dunmore Nurse Dunmore Lions Club met last night in the clubrooms and adopted a resolution of condolence on the death of Lt. Carol Ann Drazba, 703 Butler an Army nurse who was killed in a helicopter crash Feb.

18 Viet Nam. A copy of the resolution will be sent to the Drazba family. Members of the Lions Club meet tonight at 7:15 at the Willow Club and proceed to Morell Funeral Home, 301 Chestnut to pay respects to Lieutenant Drazba. Members of McHugh-Bushweller Post, Veterans of Foreign and Victory Post, American Legion, will meet at the funeral home tonight at 8 to pay their respects to Lieutenant Drazba. HGL Club Meets Members of the HGL Club met recently at the home of Mrs.

Nicholas, were Mazzucca, played 7366 and Steckel refreshments served. Mrs. Mazzucca was high scorer. The next meeting will be March the 621 home of Terrace Mrs. St.

Michael Angerson, 1. Confraternity to Meet Confraternity of Christian Mothers, All Saints Church, will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in the parish hall. Mrs. Stephen Demanovich will preside. The Rev.

Stephen J. Yanchuska is pastor and moderator. The SOcial will be omitted because of Lent. After the meeting, Father Yanchuska will show slides of his trip to Mexico. Other Dunmore Items Franklin School Parent-Teacher Association will meet tonight at 8 in the school.

A Bible study period will be held tonight at 7:30 in Presbyterian Church of Dunmore. The meeting of Dunmore High School Class of 1956, scheduled for tonight at the Mayflower has been postponed until next Tuesday night at 9. Dunmore firemen responded to a false alarm sounded last night at 8:50 from Fifth and 'Dudley Sts. Mrs. Sandra Realer Student Teaching Mrs.

Sandra Reafler, a senior fat Mansfield State College, is a student teacher in the Home Economics department of Mountain View High School, Kingsley. Mrs. Reafler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sitler, 310 Church Dunmore, is fulfilling the state requirement for under the supervision of Mrs.

prospective teachers by teaching Ann Manzer, Mountain View home economics teacher. At Mansfield, Mrs. Reafler is a member of Omicron Gamma Pi, national home, economics sorority, and has experience as food tester for Rochester Gas as af Electric and dietitian's aide at Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton. She also has been nominated for membership in Kappa Omicron Phi, national professional home economics fraternity. MINOOKA Lillian Diskin Phone: 343-1956 School on Friday night at 8 in the school auditorium.

Albert Panaci, principal, and adviser Miss and 'Verna vocal Wilson, faculty tor, are honorary cochaimen. Miss Barbara Feduik is chairman, aided by Misses Kathy Kerrigan, June Williams and Margie Lowe. Miss Rosalie Farrance is publicity chairman. Miss Paulette Posluszny, a 1965 graduate, now a student at Marywood College, will be banjo accompanist for several numbers. Selections will be sung by the "West Side Singers" comprising Jay Parini, Edward Mroczka, and Misses Williams, Laura Russell Charlotte Reese.

Other "specials" will be performed by "The Barbs" and "Jack and the Rippers." Pastor Announces Lenten Services Lenten devotions at SS. Peter and Paul Church will be held tomorrow night a at 7:15, it was announced by the Rev. Andrew B. Bocianski, pastor. Stations of the Cross will be observed Friday at 3:45 and 7:15 P.M.

followed by benediction. Confessions for the first Friday will be heard Thursday during the 7:10 and 7:45 A.M. masses and at 7 P.M. Masses will be celebrated Friday at 7:10 and 7:45 A.M. The Third Order of St.

Francis will receive communion the 7:45 A.M. mass. Mrs. Emily Bassett, president, will be in charge of the assembly and spiritual exercises. Guild Lists Dinner The School chael's, Church dinner from 5.

to 8 in Guild of St. Miwill conduct a tomorrow night the church hall. Sportsmen's Meeting Keyser Valley Sportsmen's Club will meet tonight at 8 in the clubrooms, 2225 Jackson St. George Gula will preside. Refreshments will be served by the social committee.

Teeners Unit to Meet Sloan Teeners League will meet tomorrow night at 8 in Bryn Mawr Hall, 1344 Bryn Mawr St. Plans for the Spring program will be discussed. Eugene Scaccia will preside. Church Unit to Meet Park Presbyterian Church Women's Association of Hyde meet tonight at 8 in the church rooms. Mrs.

Robert F. Thornton will conduct devotions. A film, "Give Us This Day," will be shown. Refreshments will be served by members of Circle 1, with Miss Isabel L. Dailey, leader.

Auxiliaries to Meet Plans for a social March 20 will be made at a meeting of the Women's Auxiliary Kosciusko Post, American Legion, tonight at 8 in the post hall. Mrs. JoPacholec will preside. Mesdames Anita Grabowski and Edna Gszyb are hostesses. The Women's Auxiliary to Tripp Park Post, American Legion, will meet tonight the post hall.

Mrs. Alfred Dowse will preside. Church Activities The board of trustees of First Baptist Church will meet tonight at 8 and the Junior Choir tomorrow afternoon at 3:45 at the church. Senior Choir of Embury Methodist Church will meet tomorrow night at 8:30 at the church with E. Sidney Lewis in charge.

Chapel and Junior Choirs cf First Welsh Baptist Church will meet tomorrow night at 6 in the church rooms. Fidelity Class of Jackson Street Baptist Church will meet tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gleason, rear 327 North Garfield and Mizpah Class at 8:15 at home Mrs. Helen Bennett, 656 North Hyde Park Ave. Senior Women's Guild of First United Church of Christ will meet tomorrow afternoon at in the church hall.

Mrs. Katherine Barth will preside. Woman's Society of Christian Service of Embury Methodist Church will have a fa*ggot sale tomorrow beginning at 11:30 A.M. at the church. Orders may be placed Mildred Dagger or Mrs.

Ann Davis. Church Miraculous Medal devotions Services, will be conducted tonight at 7:30 in St. Joseph's Church. Lenten services will be held at 8 this evening in the parish hall. Items and Personals Savings stamps will be sold tomorrow between 12:45 and 1:15 P.M.

in the Wilson School building. Mr. and, Mrs. Richard Quinn, Buffalo, N.Y., are spending a few days at the Quinn home, 2717 Birney Ave. Mrs.

John Gallagher will preside at the meeting tonight at 8 of the Ladies Auxiliary to Connolly Post, American Legion, in the post home. Mrs. Thomas Barrett will preside at the meeting of the Altar and Rosary Society tomorrow at 8 P.M. in the parish hall. Joseph Esgro has recovered from a recent illnes at his home, 2711 Pittston Ave.

GREENWOOD Quilt Sessions Listed The Christian Mothers and Holy Rosarch Society of St. Mary's will hold quilting sessions tonight at 6 and tomorrow morning at 9 in the school social rooms. Night Masses Scheduled Two evening masses will be celebrated this week in St. Mary's Church, Greenwood according to an announcement by Rev. Joseph F.

Kalinowski, pastor. The masses will Friday at 6 P.M. Stations of the Cross in Polish will be Friday, at P.M. 7 A.M. There and will in be English stano tions on Friday night this week due to First Friday services and mass in the evening.

UNIONDALE Local Activities Listed A union Lenten service will be held tomorrow at 7:30 P.M. in Forest City Methodist Church. Mrs. Daniel Gibson suffered a broken right arm in a recent fall on a road. Mrs.

Sadie Howell Scranton slippery, visited the Donald Davis home, Darrow over the weekend. The Myron Noll family, Tacoma Park, visited local relatives the past weekend. For Mortgage LoansTo Buy, Build or Repair Your Home Contact Scranton Building Association No. 10, 127 Adams Ave. RALPH HILLER Authorized Hoover Cleaner Service 346-1235 Delivery 617 PROSPECT AVE.

OPEN TONIGHT A-1 ANTHRACITE REDUCED PRICES! Fresh Mined, Cone Cleaned -Delivered PricesBuck $14.25 Rice $13.50 Pea $15.25 Stove $16.75 Nut $16.75 Range $16.00 FREE BUDGET PLAN DISCOUNTS ON FULL LOAD CASH SALESI City Coal Co. PHONE 344-1291 346-7319 ANDRIN Rexall DRUG STORE ADREN BROWNS It's Andrew Brown's-if you want the BEST! 4-Registered Pharmacists-4 RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES COSMETICS FOR LADIES AND MEN.

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


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